Presqu’ile Provincial Park

We took a day trip over the long weekend to explore Presqu’ile Provincial Park, which is located out in Brighton. Depending on traffic, this could be a 1-2 hrs drive out East.

Day Trip Itinerary:

  • Leave early (9am to get there before the park reaches capacity)
  • Stop #1: The Big Apple ( For My 2 Cents, please see separate post)
  • Stop #2: Presqu’ile Provincial Park
    • Marsh Boardwalk
    • Lighthouse
    • Beach (we did not stop off at the beach as it is not quite beach weather yet)
  • Stop #3: The Big Toonie in Campbellford (For My 2 Cents, please see separate post)
    • Famous Butter Tarts (We did not stop to pick any up, but if you are in the neighbourhood…)
  • Return Home
    • Stop off at the Big Apple (Again)

My 2 Cents

Overall, it was a fun outing and nice to get my girls out and doing normal activities again. COVID really put a stop to a lot of things, but we were doing our part, social distancing and wearing our masks, even outdoors. It was a pretty smooth drive to get to the park. We stopped off a the Big Apple, to use the facilities, because no doubt there is always someone that has to go once we get in the car for a long ride. However, the Big Apple is a place worth checking out as well, with yummy fresh baked pies; please see my Big Apple Posting for more details.

When you get to the park, remember to ask for a map at the front gate when you are driving through. We went straight to the Marsh boardwalk and walked through the trail. Distance wise, it is a 1km trail, so very doable with kids and not over extenuating. To my surprise, this was actually a very educational walk as we learned about Cattails and Horse trees, (my girls seemed to think resembled more like Giraffe’s). 1km is not a far distance and it loops back to the parking lot. For me this is very important as the trail in not one way and we do not have to reverse to get back to the parking lot. It took just over an hour to walk through as we stopped to take in the fresh air, snap some pictures and read each information sign.

Following the boardwalk, the other item to see at this park is the lighthouse. The girls were fascinated with the lighthouse as it was quite the big tower.

If there was warmer weather, the next stop would be to visit the beach. However, since we are only in May, the weather is not warm enough to go to beach yet. If we do revisit this park, I’ll update it for the beach.

Presqu’ile Provincial Park
The Lighthouse and seriously, I loved this sign… Feeding Time…. seems like all the time..


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