If you like ice cream and you like free, visit Chapman’s site for your $4 coupon before they are all gone. Link: https://www.chapmans.ca/coupon/chapmans-annual-coupon-2022/

Life hacks – Travel – Food – Recipes – Kids
If you like ice cream and you like free, visit Chapman’s site for your $4 coupon before they are all gone. Link: https://www.chapmans.ca/coupon/chapmans-annual-coupon-2022/
After watching Disney Pixar’s short animated file Bao, my little girl asked to make dumplings together. This request warmed my heart as it is normally …
A family favourite is my Honey Grilled Chicken Wings. They have a bottomless stomach whenever this dish is served. Disappointment sets in when all of …
During the pandemic, we haven’t been going out to enjoy brunch as often as we normally would. When we do go, my girls would order …
Sugar Rush is a limited time, immersive open-air experience that features a vibrant walk through 50,000 square feet of pure Candytropolis. It features colourful installations, one-of-a kind …
This year, we have done quite a bit of park hopping. After visiting Lakeview Park in Oshawa, we unanimously agree that this is an AMAZING …
BEACH DAY, Fun Day! Beach weather has finally arrived, at least for this weekend (the weather has recently been unpredictable in Toronto, as we have …
We took the girls out for a walk after dinner one night, and not too far away there is a forest like area. When we …
Who says you can’t have ice cream for breakfast. I agreed and the girls were surprised. Haha, gotta have some fun with them. This ice …
When I first heard of the Big Toonie, I instantly wanted to go see this monument for myself. It is out in the middle of …